The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Embracing Risk and Catapulting to Success

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Sara Orellana

By Sara Orellana


As entrepreneurs, risk is an inherent part of our journey towards success. It’s not just about starting a business or pursuing our passions; it’s also about embracing uncertainty and taking calculated risks.
In all honesty, taking risks has been the key to my success. I have never passed up an opportunity, and never shied away from a challenge. I have fallen on my face more times than I would like to remember, but I have also had a fair amount of success. 

Defining Risk for Entrepreneurs:

Risk, in the entrepreneurial context, refers to the potential for loss or failure associated with an action, decision, or business venture. It is the venture into the unknown, where the outcome is uncertain, and success or failure hangs in the balance. Risk is inevitable in entrepreneurship, but how you approach and manage it determines your potential for growth and success. Risk also makes me remember one of my favorite sayings, “Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?” 

The Pros of Taking Risks:

1. Opportunity for growth and innovation: Risk-taking opens doors to new opportunities and allows us to push boundaries, come up with innovative ideas, and explore uncharted territories. In the high-stress environment of risk, we discover solutions and learn things about ourselves that we would otherwise never learn.

2. Competitive advantage: By embracing risks that others may avoid, we position ourselves ahead of the competition. Taking calculated risks can give us an edge in the market, attracting more customers and setting our businesses apart.

3. Personal and professional development: Stepping out of our comfort zone and taking risks pushes us to learn and grow as entrepreneurs. It builds resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving skills, which are essential for long-term success. I thrive in this environment. Which is probably one of the reasons why I try to always have one foot in a risky situation.

The Cons of Taking Risks:

1. Possibility of failure: Taking risks means accepting the potential for failure. Not every risk will pay off, and there may be setbacks along the way. It’s important to manage risks wisely and learn from any failures or mistakes that occur. The lessons I have learned from taking risks, far outweigh the lessons I have learned from playing it safe.

2. Financial implications: Some risks may require financial investments, and if they don’t yield the desired outcomes, it can impact the bottom line. Careful financial planning and risk analysis are crucial in mitigating the financial downsides.

Utilizing Risk to Catapult Yourself to the Next Level:

1. Conduct a risk analysis: Evaluate the potential risks and rewards of a decision or action. Assess the probability of success, potential losses, and impact on our businesses. This analysis helps us make informed decisions and prioritize risks worth taking.

2. Embrace calculated risks: While taking risks is essential, being reckless can have dire consequences. Identify risks that align with goals and values, and develop a strategy to minimize potential downsides.

3. Build a risk-tolerant mindset: Cultivate a mindset that embraces uncertainty and sees failure as an opportunity for growth. Learn from failures, adapt quickly, and maintain the determination to pursue your entrepreneurial journey despite setbacks.

4. Seek support and mentorship: By surrounding ourselves with mentors, advisors, or a network of fellow entrepreneurs who can provide guidance and support, we can learn from the experiences of others and navigate risks more effectively.

Risk is an integral part of the entrepreneurial journey. While it comes with potential downsides, the rewards can be transformative. By understanding the nature of risk, weighing the pros and cons, and adopting a strategic approach, we can leverage risk to catapult ourselves and our businesses to the next level. Embrace the unknown, take calculated risks, and let them propel us towards success. Remember, fortune favors the brave entrepreneur who can navigate uncertainty and turn it into their advantage.

Sara Orellana, MS, MPH is an independent entrepreneur who specializes in strategic planning, leadership, and grant writing. She can be reached at