Maintaining motivation

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Sara Orellana

By Sara Orellana


No matter how much we love what we do, there will be times when we grapple to maintain motivation. Sometimes this struggle is caused by exhaustion or hunger, other times by burnout, stress, or feelings of being overwhelmed. Identifying the root cause helps us determine our correct course of action. 

One of the easiest ways to maintain motivation is to create habits and routines, which allow us to perform daily tasks without spending too much time and energy thinking about them.
A habit is something one does every day; a routine is how one performs one’s tasks. Having these in place frees our brain to think about other things – even daydream. These are the moments when you can access creativity and find amazing solutions. 

For me, the biggest challenge I face on a daily basis are my dogs.
Working from home, on beautiful days, they don’t understand why we can’t be outside or on walks all day. The constant interruptions, the moans, the growls, and sometimes the herding became too much. So, rather than spend my days feeling overwhelmed with no motivation, I created routines and habits. Our routines center around activities and scheduled walks. The result: happy dogs and much less stress for me.
This example may not apply to everyone, but hopefully it made you smile.
In all reality, continuous interruptions, switching tasks too often, and an unending to-do list are probably the loss of motivation many of us experience.
Here are a few positive solutions:

• Schedule office hours. As leaders it is vital our staff feel they have access to us, yet between staff and meetings, it can be impossible to find time for us to work. Set availability times to meet with staff, and schedule time to focus on projects. Unless there is an emergency, you should not be interrupted during this time.

Checking emails. Check emails three times a day. Leaving our email open or checking it throughout the day is a huge time suck which may lead us to be unmotivated.

Schedule breaks. No matter how busy we are, we should take a few minutes every few hours to drink some water and stretch. These breaks will be refreshing and help you stay motivated.

• Smaller tasks. Break tasks into smaller pieces. Rather than looking at an entire project, focus on smaller pieces of it at a time.

• Do not disturb. Turn off all non-vital notifications. Texts, emails, and phone calls are continuous interruptions. We should not be afraid to put our phones on do not disturb. Taking an uninterrupted hour helps us gather our thoughts. 
• Create routines and habits. Develop as many routines and habits as possible. These will create a peaceful environment and rhythm to our days, and hopefully, alleviate stress. 

• Remember to eat and drink water. Make sure to eat throughout the day. Being hungry or dehydrated can make it very hard to focus.

• Schedule time to move. Getting sunshine, fresh air, and some movement can help us find solutions to challenges. 

• Practice self-care. Working late all the time or through lunch doesn’t make us a dedicated employee; it causes burnout. 

By taking care of ourselves and creating healthy boundaries we will be able to maintain our motivation.

Sara Orellana, MS, MPH is an independent entrepreneur who specializes in strategic planning, leadership, and grant writing. She can be reached at