Elgin voters approve 2 sales tax propositions; elect Bennett to council


ELGIN — Elgin voters recently approved two sales tax measures and elected Elgin City Councilman Sean Bateman’s successor.

Both sales tax proposals passed easily, according to the Oklahoma State Election Board. The proposal to renew Elgin’s 0.25% sales tax for parks and recreation projects garnered 88 “yes” votes and 20 “no” votes, while the proposal to extend a 0.75% sales tax for street and sidewalk improvements finished with 88 “yes” votes and 21 “no” votes.

Earlier this year, the Elgin City Council approved propositions to renew both sales taxes for another decade. Those propositions did not take effect until voters approved them.

The taxes were originally scheduled to expire June 30 of this year, but now they will remain in place through June 2033. Sales taxes will not increase as a result of the vote.

The 0.75% sales tax is projected to generate about $3.6 million for street and sidewalk improvements, while the 0.25% sales tax will raise about $1 million for parks and recreation projects.

Voters also chose Elgin resident Travis Bennett to replace outgoing Councilman Sean Bateman, who represented Ward 4 on the council. Bennett ran unopposed after Elgin resident Chris Martini dropped out of the race, but Martini’s name remained on the ballot because he did not withdraw in time to have his name taken off.