Oil and gas group supports Stitt’s shutdown order

  • David Le Norman

The Petroleum Alliance of Oklahoma is supporting Oklahoma Gov. Kev- in Stitt decision shutting down non-essential businesses in counties with confirmed COVID-19 cases.

“The Petroleum Alliance of Oklahoma recognizes the governor did not take this action lightly, and we thank him for his deliberation,” David Le Norman, Chairman of the Petroleum Alliance of Oklahoma said. “We also appreciate his openness to our advice to follow guidelines from the U.S. Department of 

Homeland Security and declare the energy industry – including the oil and natural gas sector – critical infrastructure, which will allow our operations to continue.”

Le Norman said his group’s members are taking proactive steps to keep their employees’ health and to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

“We will proudly continue to provide the fuel and raw materials Americans rely on for transportation, manufacturing and electricity. The lights will stay on and delivery trucks will keep rolling because of the oil and natural gas industry,” he said.