THE BOTTOM LINE: That Which is False, is Most Annoying


That which is false is most annoying

I bought my first cell phone from a telemarketer, my first newspaper subscription from a kid who was going door-to-door and I never minded answering the knock from someone with something to sell.

I am probably a little different. My grandmother used to tell us, “If it’s legal and gives them money for food and rent for them and their family, then treat them with dignity and respect and let them hold their head up high.” I guess that is why I never minded telemarketers or door-to-door salesmen. After all, they are just trying to earn a living.

The knock at the door or the ring of a phone; someone having something of some value to sell - those were the good old days. Now instead of a fellow citizen trying to earn his keep, you have a computer telling you, “This is an important call.” No, its not.

From the endless calls about my car warranty, my Google search results, that $250,000 business loan I was approved for and that cruise I just won, there seems to be no limits the snake oil salesmen, shysters and scoundrels will take to separate you from your hard earned money.

Why do people continue to use robocalls?

They work. It might take an untold amount of calls before someone stays on the line through the recording and even more calls before someone writes a check, but it does work. While it might annoy you and me, these scammers aren’t doing this to annoy us. They are doing it to make MONEY and that they do.

It’s a numbers game and the scoundrels hold all the dice. It is estimated that in May of 2019, there was an estimated 4.7 billion robocalls. Put another way, 14.4 calls for every man, woman and child living in the United States. Do you feel like you have gotten more than your share?

Why won’t the government stop them?

There are bills in Congress that would lengthen the statute of limitations and increase the penalties for those who engage in such behavior. But, as long as there is someone who will answer the call and shell out the money, the calls will keep coming.

Governments around the world have tried to crack down on email spam and numerous leaders in technology have vowed that it would end. How’s your spam folder doing these days? If it is anything like mine, the stories have changed but the emails keep coming.

You have to be a part of the solution!

We have to educate ourselves and others about the difference between a telemarketer and scammer. We must educate our senior citizens and others to be wary of the dubious claims made by the shysters. I urge you to continue to ask Congress to do more. But I implore you, do not wait on Washington. Urge your parents and grandparents to ignore the calls. Give these greedy scoundrels nothing but grief and a hard time when the phone rings.